Monday, July 25, 2011

The Rookie Cook

The first blog post is always the hardest right? I need to introduce myself and explain what the purpose of this blog is. Well I hate to break it to you, this blog probably won't change your life or the way you think about life but it may make you laugh! I wanted to start a blog on cooking and not because I'm some mind-blowing chef. Actually it's quit the opposite. I am a novice cook with an urge to learn and try new things.

Most of the meals I make are influenced by my lifestyle. And what lifestyle is that? It's a crazy, uncertain, always moving, late night kind of life.  I am engaged to my best friend who plays baseball for a living. That being said the majority of the meals that I like to cook are ones that can be prepared ahead of time and cooked when you are ready to eat, even if that is at midnight.

I'll be the first to admit that during the season it's easy to hit the drive-thru of McDonalds after the game. But who is that helping? Certainly not me and my thighs. So this blog will share some of my favorite and somewhat (notice I said somewhat) healthy recipes but than again anything is healthier than fast food!

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